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Why the decision to partner with Zulu & Zephyr?

The Base and Zulu & Zephyr both emulate the effortless, carefree style of Australian women.This was an opportunity for me to apply skills collected from years of being on-set, to a well known Australian brand renowned for its coastal aesthetic.

What products from The Base do we need to create this look at home?
The Lip to Cheek Tint, the LB Cream and the Highlighter in Shimmer.

What was the inspiration behind the CAMI hair and makeup?
A rosy, healthy look, using the same product to simulate a lip and cheek flush. An effortless quick routine that simulates Zulu & Zephyr's natural beauty style guide - and not looking like you’ve been in the hair and makeup chair.

What was the most memorable part of the shoot day?
The incredible scenery of the Santa Monica Hills and Darren McDonald’s extreme on-the-go creativity.The team worked really well together, despite extreme heat and that California Summer terrain.

Top three picks from Cami and how will you be wearing:
The Rustle Pinafore Dress: Worn with just a bikini underneath, to and from the beach. The Desert Berry Onepiece: I would wear this with denim cut offs.The California Bralette Bikini: this would be my go-to for the beach